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要旨 高齢者における胃癌の発育経過を調べるため,1年以上追跡された58例を,高齢者(65歳以上)21例と対照者(65歳未満)37例に分け,更に,得られた画像からその経過を2群に分け,A群(23例)は病変が指摘できないかあるいは早期胃癌の形態から2年以内に進行癌に変化したもの,B群(35例)は初回検査で早期胃癌の形態を認め,2年以上観察され,なお早期癌の形態にとどまったものとした.①初期病変の形態,②組織型,③病変の占拠部位について検討した.その結果,高齢者では,初期病変が隆起型の癌は陥凹型に比較し形態変化の速度が有意に緩徐で,対照者と差がみられた.また,陥凹型の癌をUl(+)とUl(-)に分けて検討すると,高齢者のUl(-)群では有意差をもって形態変化が急速という結果が得られ,これは対照者でも同様の傾向があった.組織型,占拠部位には高齢者でも対照者でも特に有意差は認められなかった.
In order to reveal the developing process of gastric cancer in the high-age group, we retrospectively observed 58 cases, 21 of whom were over 65 years of age and 37 of whom were less than 65 years of age. The latter group was used as the control group.
Furthermore, the cases were subdivided into two groups: that in which the gastric cancer cases grew from early stage to advanced stage within two years (Type A, 23 cases) and, that in which the gastric cancer took over two years to grow from early stage to advanced stage (Type B, 37 cases).
In each group type A and B were compared and the results were as follows.
1) Early cancer of the elevated type at the initial macroscopic finding developed slowly in the high-age group.
2) Depressed type of early cancer without ulcerative changes at the initial macroscopic finding developed rapidly in both groups.
3) From the point of view of location and histological type, there were no significant differences between the high-age group and the control group.

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