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要旨 患者は75歳,男性.1996年9月,便通異常を主訴に近医受診.大腸内視鏡検査(CF)にて上行結腸にポリープを指摘され,当院紹介となる.当院のCFにて,上行結腸に13×10mmのⅡa+Ⅱcと,近傍に13mmのⅡa(LST-NG)を認めた.また,横行結腸にも,12mmのⅡa(LST-NG)を認めた.横行結腸のⅡaに対しては,ポリペクトミーが施行されたが,上行結腸のⅡa+Ⅱcは,sm massiveと診断し,同年10月11日,上行結腸切除術が行われた.病理結果は,Ⅱa+Ⅱcは高分化腺癌(sm2,ly0,v0,n0)であり,近傍のⅡaも高分化腺癌(m,ly0,v0),更にポリペクトミーされた横行結腸肝彎曲部のIlaも高分化腺癌(m,ly0,v0)であった.また,術後9か月に行われたCFで,横行結腸に12mm大のⅡaを認め,EMRを施行したところ,高分化腺癌(m,ly0,v0)であった.更に,術後2年1か月後に行われたCFにて横行結腸に10mm大のⅡaを認め,EMRにて,高分化腺癌(m,ly0,v0)の診断を得た.以上,同時,異時性に5つの大腸癌の発生を認めた症例を経験した.いずれも肉眼型は表面型であり,発生部位は右側結腸に限局していた.
Colorectal polyps were detected in a 75-year-old man by colonoscopy at a nearby hospital, when he visited there complaining of abdominal discomfort. Endoscopic examination revealed two superficial colorectal cancers type Ⅱa+Ⅱc (13 mm in size) and type Ⅱa (13 mm in size) in the ascending colon, and one type Ⅱa cancer (12 mm in size) in the transverse colon. Preoperative di-agnosis was early colorectal cancer of type Ⅱa+Ⅱc with massive invasion to the submucosal layer. Type Ⅱa in the transverse colon was removed endoscopically before the operation and histological examination showed that it was a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma with intramucosal invasion. Partial colectomy was performed, and histological diagnosis was that the type Ⅱa+Ⅱc cancer was a well-differentiated adenocarcino-ma with massive invasion of the submucosal layer (sm2, ly0, v0, n0), and the type Ⅱa cancer was a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma with intramucosal invasion. Nine months later, colonoscopy revealed a superficial colorectal tumor of type Ⅱa at the same site. It was 12 mm in size. Endoscopic mucosal resection was performed on this tumor, and the resected specimen showed a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma with intramucosal invasion. Two years and one month later, colonoscopy revealed a superficial colorectal tumor of type Ⅱa at the same site. It was 10 mm in size. The resected specimen showed a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma with intramucosal invasion. We thus reported a case of multiple superficial colorectal carcinomas in the right-side colon.

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