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Burkitt-like Lymphoma of the Stomach, Report of a Case Hajime Yamagata 1 , Masaya Tominaga 1 , Yoko Yoshida 1 1Departmemt of Internal Medicine, Hakujuji Hospital Keyword: Burkitt様リンパ腫 , 骨髄浸潤 , c-myc遺伝子 pp.1509-1514
Published Date 1996/11/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403104455
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 A 69-year-old man was admitted with a complaint of anorexia. Radiographic and endoscopic studies revealed a submucosal tumor-like lesion with an ill-defined ulcer in the center in the antrum, which was not detected seven months before admission. The biopsy specimens from this lesion showed a feature of malignant lymphoma. Bone marrow aspiration examination revealed involvement of the bone-marrow. Because of the enlargement of the tumor and massive hematemesis, we performed distal partial gastrectomy. Histological finding of the tumor showed a “starry sky” pattern of the macrophages interspreading among atypical large lymphoid cells and many tumor cells which were positive for cytoplastic staining by anti-c-myc antibody reaction using ABC alkaline phospatase method. We performed chemotherapy after operation, however, he developed central nervous symptoms four months after admission, and died two months later because of hepatic and respiratory failure. We diagnosed the tumor of this patient as Burkitt-like lymphoma based on clinical aspects and histological findings.

Copyright © 1996, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


  • 3 Burkittリンパ腫 田邉 久美子 医学書院 検査と技術
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    117巻 6号 (2016年6月)
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