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Multiple Colonic Ulcers with Atypical Macroscopic Features, Report of a Case Tatsuya Yoshida 1 , Takashi Meguro 1 , Shoichi Horita 1 , Yasuhiro Hida 2 , Hideki Okashiwa 3 1Department of Internal Medicine, Hokkaido Gastroenterology Hospital 2Department of Surgery, Hokkaido Gastroenterology Hospital 3The Second Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Hokkaido University Keyword: 虚血性大腸病変 , 大腸潰瘍 pp.785-790
Published Date 1996/5/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403104157
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 A 45-year-old man developed fever, abdominal pain and diarrhea after pacemaker-insertion. Barium enema and colonoscopy revealed transverse colon stenosis due to multiple round to oval ulcers with converging mucosal folds. Under the suspicion of scirrhus-type colon cancer, the transverse colon resection was performed. The resected specimen showed five Ul-Ⅳ round to oval ulcers on the tinea. Histochemical study revealed numerous iron-positive cells among the granulated tissue. From these observations, we finally made a diagnosis of ulcerative-type ischemic lesion of the colon at healing phase. We suspected that the cause of the lesion was thrombo-embolism of several vasa recta or marginal arteries.

Copyright © 1996, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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