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要旨 近年増加傾向がみられる胃悪性リンパ腫の中で,MALTリンパ腫について議論される機会が多くなっている.過去28年間に経験した胃悪性リンパ腫111例のうちMALTリンパ腫は33例(29.7%)であった.この33例を検討した結果,胃の全体を占める症例が21例(63.6%),腫瘍最大径の中央値は17cm,深達度はsm26例(78.8%),mp5例,ss2例,リンパ節転移はn1(+)21.2%,n2(+)18.2%,計39.4%,D2以上のリンパ節郭清は31例(93.9%),全摘が25例(75.8%)であった.1例が再発死亡したが5年生存率は85.4%であった.MALTリンパ腫は腫瘍径が大きくリンパ節転移率が高いが,適切な手術によって良好な治療成績を得ることができた.
Gastric malignant lymphoma has became more prevalent lately, and MALT lymphoma in particular has been the subject of considerable discussion. There have been 33 (29.7%)cases of MALT lymphoma among the 111 gastric malignant lymphoma cases we have encountered over the past 28 years. Investigation of these 33 cases has revealed the following: 21 cases (63.6%) involved the whole stomach; mean tumor diameter of the 33 cases was 17 cm; depth of invasion was submucosa in 26 cases, muscularis propria in five cases, and subserosa in two cases; nodal metastasis was observed in 39.4% of the cases〔n1 (+) in 21.2%, n2 (+) in 18.2%〕. Over D2 lymph node dissection was performed in 31 cases (93.9%) and total gastrectomy in 25 cases (75.8%). One case died from recurrence, but the overall 5-year survival rate was 85.4%. The MALT lymphoma in general were large in diameter and the incidence of nodal metastasis was high, yet favorable results were obtained by appropriate surgery.

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