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要旨 在宅経腸栄養療法(HEN)が長期の緩解維持に有用であったCrohn病の2例を経験した.〔症例1〕は19歳,男性.1987年の小腸造影で回腸に縦走潰瘍と敷石像を認め,小腸Crohn病と診断.完全静脈栄養療法により緩解導入後は,外来で低残渣食を継続した.6か月後に再発したが,HEN導入後は,現在まで緩解を維持している.〔症例2〕は35歳,男性.1990年の大腸内視鏡で,大腸の広範囲に多発潰瘍を認め大腸Crohn病と診断.成分栄養剤による経腸栄養療法で,緩解導入後も外来でHENを継続しているが,現在まで緩解を維持している.経腸栄養療法はCrohn病の緩解導入のみならず,外来でのHENの継続は長期の臨床経過の改善にも有用と考えられ,自験例での成績を加え報告する.
We reported two cases of Crohn's disease, successfully treated with home enteral nutrition (HEN) and maintained in a state of remission over a long term.
The first case was small-intestinal type of Crohn's disease. Small-intestinal radiography revealed typical cobblestone appearance and multiple longitudinal ulcers in the ileum. The second case was large-intestinal type of Crohn's disease. Barium enema and colonoscopic findings revealed multiple aphthoid and irregularshaped ulcers in the colon. Some of the ulcers were arranged in a longitudinal direction. In hospital, we treated both cases with total parenteral and/or enteral nutrition, and induced complete remission. After leaving hospital, the treatment with HEN was continued and both cases were maintained in a state of remission for more than f ive years. Home enteral nutrition is useful for maintaining remission and improving the long-term clinical course of Crohn's disease.

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