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Endosonographic Images of Early Gastric Carcinoma: From the Viewpoint of Instruments Kenjiro Yasuda 1 , Munehiro Sakata 1 , Hideaki Kawabata 1 , Masatsugu Nakajima 1 1Department of Gastroenterology, Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital Keyword: 超音波内視鏡 , 超音波振動子 , 高周波数 , 観測装置 , 胃癌深達度診断 pp.1119-1126
Published Date 1999/8/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403102802
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 Endosonographic diagnosis of the depth of early gastric carcinoma invasion was evaluated from the viewpoint of instruments. Based on the advances of technology, ultrasound endoscopes and monitor units have been improved rapidly leading to a higher accuracy rate of diagnosis of depth of carcinoma invasion and beautiful pictures. Some factors, such as frequency of scanner, width of scanner, and monitor unit influence the images. EUS pictures obtained by various types of ultrasound endoscopes and monitor units have become beautiful and precise, depending on the frequency of the scanner.

 Accuracy rate of the diagnosis of depth of carcinoma invasion obtained by instruments at each period are almost the same, around 80%. The causes of misdiagnosis are the lack of skill in maniplating the ultrasound endoscopes or lack of experience in interpreting EUS images or the lesions being conplicated with ulcerative fibrosis. This means that the accuracy rate concerning the depth of carcinoma invasion does not necessarily depend on advanced instruments which can produce beautiful images.

 For obtaining a higher accuracy rate, trials to make new criteria for judging the depth of carcinoma invasion or obtaining serial images of the lesion, or instruments with high powered auto-analytic ability are desirable.

Copyright © 1999, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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