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要旨 胃癌325例に対するEUSの深達度診断正診率はm74%・sm71%・mp以深91%・全体で81%であった.早期胃癌181例の病巣内潰瘍の併存率はm癌45%・sm癌21%であった.粘膜下層から深層へ扇状に拡がる線維化巣は併存潰瘍の所見であった.この所見が明瞭に認められない併存潰瘍の線維化巣は癌浸潤に伴う線維化巣との鑑別が困難であった.EUS・X線・内視鏡の深達度診断の正診率は,部位では胃体下部~中部でEUSがX線・内視鏡を上回った.sm癌は大きさ・肉眼型によらずEUSがX線・内視鏡を上回った.潰瘍併存例ではEUSはX線・内視鏡と同様にsm1の診断が困難であった.しかし,潰瘍非併存例ではEUSがsm1・sm3の診断に優れていた.
The ability of EUS to diagnose the depth of invasion was investigated in 325 patients with gastric carcinoma, consisting of 181 early cancers and 144 advanced cancers. The depth of invasion of gastric carcinoma was classified as the mucosa (m), submucosa (sm), and muscularis propria (mp) or more advanced invasion.
Moreover, the depth of invasion into the submucosa was divided into three subtypes (sm1, sm2, sm3). Invasion of sm1 was defined to be limited within 1 mm below the muscularis mucosae. Invasion of sm3 was defined to be close above the muscularis propria. The depth of invasion of sm2 was between sm1 and sm3.
The results obtained were as follows; 1) The overall diagnostic accuracy was 81% in all 325 cases; 74% in m cancers, 71% in sm cancers and 91% in mp or more advanced cancers, respectively. Rates peptic ulceration within cancerous areas were 45% (47/104) in m cancers and 21% (16/77) in sm cancers. The fan-like appearance of hypoechoic area in the 3rd or more deeper layer corresponded with fibrosis caused by peptic ulceration in cancerous area. It was difficult to differentiate cancerous invasion from fibrosis caused by peptic ulceration of which EUS finding had no fan-like appearance.
2) The diagnostic accuracy of EUS was superior to those of roentgenography and endoscopy in the following cases; the cases of which the cancerous lesion was located at the lower or middle gastric body, the cases, in all size or in both protruded and excavated types of gross appearance, of which the depth of invasion was sm, and the cases without peptic ulceration in the lesion, of which the depth of invasion was either sm1 or sm3. However, the diagnostic accuracy of EUS was as poor as those of roentgenography and endoscopy in the cases of gastric carcinoma with peptic ulceration in cancerous area.
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