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要旨 食道表在癌は局所治療である内視鏡切除が適応だが,粘膜筋板(MM)から粘膜下層(SM)へ浸潤すると所属リンパ節への転移頻度が10~40%以上と上昇するため,リンパ節郭清を伴う外科切除術が標準的治療である.根治的化学放射線療法(CRT)は多施設での第II相試験で有効性が評価され,現在外科切除とのランダム化比較試験が進行中である.また,主病巣をまず内視鏡切除し,切除標本の病理結果から転移のハイリスク群を抽出し追加治療を考慮する臨床試験も行われている.これら非外科的治療の有効性を検証する臨床試験により,リンパ節転移を有さない食道表在癌に対して臓器温存を含めた治療が可能になってくることが期待される.
ESCC(esophageal squamous cell carcinomas)when still localized are typically treated by endoscopy. However, when the tumor invades the muscularis mucosae(MM)and the submucosal layer(SM), the incidence of lymph node metastasis ranges from about 10% to more than 40%. In such cases, esophagectomy with radical lymph node dissection is considered the standard treatment. The efficacy of definitive CRT(chemoradiotherapy)was determined in a clinical trial, and a large randomized prospective trial comparing the outcomes of CRT to those of surgery has been registered. Another trial included combined endoscopic resection and CRT implemented for patients at a high risk for lymph node metastases. In brief, these clinical trials assessed the efficacy of non-surgical treatment. We hope the results of these studies will improve both organ preservation and overall outcomes in treating Stage I ESCC.

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