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要旨 患者は50歳代,女性.排便時の血液付着を主訴に当科を受診した.大腸内視鏡検査で横行結腸に径10mm大で,陥凹の中心にドーム状隆起を伴う,いわゆるIs+IIc型病変を認めた.NBI観察では,佐野分類でIIIA,広島分類でC1,昭和分類でirregularと診断した.ピオクタニンによる拡大観察では,pitの大小不同は認めたものの,辺縁不整,内腔狭小はあまり認めず,VI型軽度不整と診断した.超音波内視鏡では,隆起部で第3層の不整を認め,中心に低エコー領域があり,粘液や血管の存在が疑われた.以上の所見よりpSM-m癌を疑い,腹腔鏡下横行結腸切除術を施行した.病理組織学的には,粘膜内に限局した病変で,粘膜下層には動脈を主体とする大型血管の集簇を認めた.最終診断はwell differentiated adenocarcinoma(tub1),pM,ly0,v0で,リンパ節転移,遠隔転移は認めなかった.陥凹型早期大腸癌はSM浸潤率が隆起型に比較して高く,特に陥凹内隆起を伴う病変はSM深部浸潤を示唆する所見として重要とされている.今回,陥凹内に隆起を伴うが,組織学的にはM癌であった症例を経験したので報告した.
A female over 50 years of age was referred to our department for further examination because of positive occult blood in her feceas. Total colonoscopy demonstrated a protruded lesion with a surrounding depressed part in the transverse colon. Usually, this morphological type has been classified a type Is+IIc. NBI(narrow band imaging)observation revealed Sano's type IIIA, Hiroshima's type C1 and Showa's irregular surface vascular pattern which means mucosal carcinoma. Magnifying observation with crystal violet dyeing showed VI mild irregular pit pattern consisting of oval long pit and small pit. In ultrasonic endscopy, the tumor's low echoic area, which was suspected as a mucinous lesion or blood vessels, invading the submucosal layer. On a whole, we diagnosed this lesion as early colonic caricinoma which had invaded at least to the mid-submucosal layer. We operated laparoscopy-assisted partial transverse colectomy. Histopathological examination revealed well differentiated mucosal adenocarcinoma(tub1), pM, ly0, v0 with no metastasis but having a submucosal large artery.
This case was thought to be uncommon as regards the submucosal large artery and mucosal type Is+IIc carcinoma which had invaded the deep subumucosal layer.

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