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A Clinicopathological Study of the Accompanying Type 0IIb in Early Gastric Cancer Tamon Miyanaga 1 , Osamu Hosokawa 2 , Yasuharu Kaizaki 3 , Yoshihide Asaumi 1 , Naoki Endo 1 , Hirotaka Kitamura 1 , Chikashi Hiranuma 1 , Yuichi Hayashida 1 , Kouji Ota 1 , Kenji Dohden 1 , Masakazu Hattori 1 1Department of Surgery, Fukui Prefectural Hospital, Fukui, Japan 2Department of Surgery, Yokohama Sakae Kyosai Hospital, Yokohama, Japan 3Department of Pathology, Fukui Prefectural Hospital, Fukui, Japan Keyword: 胃癌 , 浸潤範囲診断 , 随伴0IIb , 断端陽性 pp.141-150
Published Date 2010/1/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403101842
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 Of 651 early-stage gastric cancer cases, 53(8.1%)had concomitant 0IIb lesions(0IIb group). Comparison of the 0IIb group vs. the non 0IIb group showed the following several characteristics. The 0IIb group had a higher percentage of males 7.83 : 1. ; larger mean tumor diameter was seen in the 0IIb group(5.1cm vs. 2.7cm); there were more frequent case of lymph node metastasis in the 0IIb group(13.2% vs. 4.2%); and a higher frequency of microscopic cancer-positive stumps were observed in the 0IIb than in the non 0IIb group(3.8% vs. 0.5%). Further, histological types were classified into two types of differentiated and undifferentiated, and still the number of males and mean tumor diameter was larger in the 0IIb group in both histological types. A lower percentage of cases with submucosal(SM)cancer and higher percentage of cases with lymph node metastasis was found in the undifferentiated 0IIb group. Multiple carcinoma was more frequent in the differentiated 0IIb group. The concomitant 0IIb lesions had a mean diameter of 2.1cm, all showing submucosal invasion, and frequently extending mainly to the horizontal axis. Of the 53 cases, 21 showed a clear boundary between the main lesion and the concomitant 0IIb lesion, while in 32 cases the boundary was unclear. The protruding type was more common in the former group, and unclear boundary was frequently associated with intestinal metaplasia in the surrounding mucosa.

Copyright © 2010, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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