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Endoscopic Findings of Initial Active Ulcerative Colitis Mitsuyuki Murano 1 , Takuya Inoue 1 , Takanori Kuramoto 1 , Eijiro Morita 1 , Naoko Murano 1 , Yutaro Egashira 2 , Hiroshi Morikawa 3 , Makoto Sanomura 4 , Ichiro Hirata 5 , Eiji Umegaki 1 , Kazuhide Higuchi 1 1Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical Collage, Takatsuki, Japan 2First Department of Pathology, Osaka Medical Collage, Takatsuki, Japan 3Morikawa Clinic, Sakae, Japan 4Department of Gastroenterology, Hokusetsu General Hospital, Takatsuki, Japan 5Department of Gastroenterology, Fujita Health University, Toyoake, Japan Keyword: 潰瘍性大腸炎初期病変 , アフタ様病変 , skip lesion , lymphoid follicular proctitis , 鑑別診断 pp.1492-1504
Published Date 2009/9/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403101750
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 Continuous inflammation within the colorectum has been one of the characteristic features of typical ulcerative colitis(UC), so far. Recently, owing to the advancement of colonoscopic technology, we can easily detect minute changes in the large intestine due to UC. However, there are few reports about the endoscopic findings of initial active UC.

 In 77 patients with initial active UC which had been examined by total colonoscopy within 6 months after onset at Osaka Medical College, we focused on the atypical endoscopic findings of initial active UC, such as aphtoid lesions, the lesions around the appendiceal orifice, skipped lesions, and rectal granular lesions. Fifty-three patients(68.8%)of the seventy-seven patients had a lesion around the appendiceal orifice. Skipped lesions were noted in 29.9% of the patients with initial active UC. While the continuous inflammation from rectum that was originally typical of UC was recognized in 27.7%, the rectal continuous lesions additional to the lesion around the appendiceal orifice was recognized as co-exisiting in 42.2% of the cases. This may be a development process in inflammatory lesions of initial UC. It is suggested that the incipient lesion of UC progresses from the lymphoid follicles in the rectum and appendit, and plays a big part also in the etiology of UC.

 Additionally, we described patients with various enteric inflammatory diseases differentiated from the initial active UC. Once the initial UC is diagnosed, it is necessary to discriminate it carefully from the infective exacerbation by treatment of infectious enteritis.

Copyright © 2009, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


