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要旨 食道胃接合部に発生するBarrett食道腺癌と同部位に発生する胃癌の外科治療上の異同を,早期Barrett食道腺癌症例報告および自験例から明らかにし考察を行った.その結果,① Barrett食道腺癌は組織型では高分化型腺癌が高率,リンパ節転移は粘膜癌では認められず,粘膜下層浸潤癌では27%が転移陽性であり,通常の接合部胃癌と同様の結果であった.② 粘膜癌では0-IIb型が多く,Barrett上皮の観察の際には見逃しの危険性があり,注意を要する.粘膜下浸潤癌では隆起型を取ることが多く,リンパ節転移の危険性があり,通常の胃癌と同様にリンパ節郭清を必要とした.Barrett食道腺癌の取り扱いと記載方法は「食道癌取扱い規約」に順ずることとなっているものの,T1a-MM(従来のM3)症例にリンパ節転移はみられず,早期Barrett食道腺癌の性格は同部位に発生した早期胃癌に類似していた.外科手術による噴門機能の廃絶はQOLを著明に低下させる.粘膜癌では内視鏡治療で根治切除可能であり,早期Barrett食道腺癌の発見のために色素法や胃拡大内視鏡検査を駆使して,早期癌の発見,内視鏡による低侵襲性治療が望まれる.一方,粘膜下浸潤癌では跳躍リンパ節転移を来す症例も懸念され,センチネルリンパ節を併施した治療法は有用と考えられる.
We retrospectively analyzed and discussed clinical features of 62 early cancers at the esophagogastric junction in Barrett's esophagus from case reports in Japanese. Early cancer at the esophagogastric junction in Barrett's esophagus had a high incidence of well differentiated adenocarcinoma. Mucosal cancer had no lymph node metastases and submucosal cancer had 27% of nodal involvement.
Submucosal cancer showed elevated gross type and should be treated with lymph node dissection because of the high incidence of lymph node metastases, which factor is in occord with ordinary early cancer at the esophagogastric junction. Although, early cancer at the esophagogastric junction in Barrett's esophagus was categoriged in the Japanese Classification as Esophageal Cancer, the clinical character and treatment were similar to that in gastric cancer. Mucosal cancer can be treated endoscopically, but, we must pay attention to the possibility of lymph node metastases in unexpected sites when treating submucosal cancer. Intraoperative detection of sentinel lymph nodes seems to be a promising method, leading to proper surgery for the early cancer at the esophagogastric junction in Barrett's esophagus.

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