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Collision of Tumors in the Ascending Colon that was Diagnosed by Magnifying Endoscopy, Report of a Case Yoshiro Tamegai 1 , Makoto Mochizuki 2 , Yukio Saito 3 , Emiko Takeshita 3 , Keiko Kudo 1 , Takashi Koike 1 , Gen Ariga 1 , Masatoshi Imamura 1 , Shigeru Yamato 1 , Kenji Kondo 4 1Department of Gastroenterology, International Medical Center of Japan, Kohnodai Hospital, Ichikawa, Japan 2Pathology Division of Clinical Laboratory Department, International Medical Center of Japan, Toyama Hospital, Tokyo 3Department of Surgery, International Medical Center of Japan, Toyama Hospital, Tokyo 4Department of Internal Medicacine, Tobu Chiiki Hospital, Tokyo Keyword: 大腸衝突腫瘍 , 大腸衝突癌 , 発育進展 , 早期大腸癌 , collision tumor pp.1845-1853
Published Date 2008/11/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403101521
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 This is a case report of the collision of tumors in the ascending colon. In this case, we observed a morphological change by using magnifying endoscopy. The case is 57-year-old male patient. He was pointed out as having faecal occult blood positive on examination, and underwent a colonoscopy on September,2006. He was diagnosed with a lesion of the ascending colon, and was introduced to our department. With X-ray examination, the lesion was located on a fold of the ascending colon, and it was revealed as a shadow of about 4cm in size. In addition, the lesion consisted of a slightly elevated part and a flat part, and a small barium deposit was observed in its center part.

 Colonoscopy was performed on 12 days later. The lesion consisted of a slightly elevated area and a flat part on the fold of the ascending colon. The elevated part of the lesion showed a macroscopic configuration of LST-NG(flat elevated type : F), and the flat part was similar to LST-NG(pseudo-depressed type : PD). Normal mucosa comprised of type I pit pattern was observed in the marginal area of the depressed part. The thickness of the depressed part had increased by the time of the second examination and showed type Vn pit pattern. In addition, the central normal mucosa showed narrowness and irregularity. From the above, we diagnosed the lesion as a submucosal massively invasive cancer, and performed right hemicolectomy on November, 2006. According to the macroscopic examination of the resected specimen, the lesion(37×13mm in size) consisted of two components. A LST-NG(PD)-like part with a size of 18×10mm and the LST-NG(F)-like part including a part with type Vn pit pattern was size of 19×13mm.

 A histological examination revealed that the lesion had two tumor components. The elevated part was consisted of a low grade adenoma, with the cystic gland in a deep part of a mucosal layer. Otherwise, the flat part was composed of a high grade adenoma. Remnant of a normal gland was seen between both, and the transitional zone was not recognized. In addition, a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma was seen in the part of type Vn pit pattern, and its degree of cancer invasion was SM3(1,050μm). From the above, it was concluded that this was a case of the collision of two tumors resulting in the lesion having two tumor components.

Copyright © 2008, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


