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要旨 胃MALTリンパ腫で除菌無効となる要因は,H. pylori陰性,高悪性度成分の混在,API2-MALT1融合遺伝子が陽性であることが挙げられる.89例におけるH. pylori陽性率は94.4%で,陽性例に対する除菌奏効率は81.9%である.除菌無効例のうち10例はrituximab抗体療法を二次治療として希望された.平均年齢は58.9歳で,部位は噴門部1例,胃体部8例,前庭部1例で,除菌前の肉眼型は隆起型1例,潰瘍型3例,表層型6例であった.抗体療法までの期間は除菌後平均21.0か月(4.5~53.4か月)で,1年以上2年未満が7例と多い.抗体療法は10例全例に奏効し,7例は褪色瘢痕化し3例は瘢痕も不明瞭となった.寛解期間は平均26.9か月,最長38.6か月で,現在まで再発はない.またH. pylori陰性例では抗体療法を希望した5例中4例(80%)で奏効している.
The goals of the current study were to elucidate the long-term outcome of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication therapy for gastric MALT (mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue) lymphoma and to clarify the therapeutic efficacy of stomach-conserving treatments for patients not responding to eradication therapy.
H. pylori eradication therapy leads to complete remission (CR) in 81.9% (68/83) of early stage gastric MALT lymphoma. H. pylori eradication therapy was an effective first-line treatment for gastric MALT lymphoma, which led to a favorable long-term outcome. The treatment for H. pylori-negative gastric MALT lymphoma has not been advancing.
Ten patients not responding to eradication therapy underwent rituximab treatments. Rituximab is a chimeric anti-CD20 antibody. As a second-line treatment, 375mg/m2 of rituximab weekly achieved CR in 10 patients.
Monoclonal antibody rituximab had an equivalent efficacy as a second-line treatment in nonresponding patients to eradication therapy and H. pylori negative patients.

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