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患者は77歳,女性.心窩部痛と下血を主訴に近医を受診し,胃の異常を指摘され紹介された.X線検査,内視鏡検査にて胃角部の大彎に径3.5cm大の粘膜下腫瘍(submucosal tumor ; SMT)を認めた.SMTの基部口側には深掘れの潰瘍がみられた.貧血の進行があり胃部分切除術が行われた.切除標本の割面ではSMTは脂肪腫であったが,基部の潰瘍形成により大きく侵食された形態を示した.また漿膜面には1.5cmほどの脂肪腫を認めた.固有筋層は中央で途切れ,漿膜側の脂肪腫がその筋層間に入り込むような所見を呈していた.脂肪腫には未熟な部分や悪性部分はみられなかった.
A 77-year-old woman visited our hospital, with the complaint of epigastralgia and melena. X-ray and endoscopic examination showed a gastric submucosal tumor (SMT) at the greater curvature of the anglus, measuring 3.5 cm in size. A deep ulcer was observed at the oral side of the SMT. The resected specimen showed that the SMT was a lipoma with a deep ulceration, and an another lipoma was observed at the serosa side. At the center of the ulceration, the proper muscle seemed to be broken by the lipoma. There was no immature or malignant component in either of the lipomas

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