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要旨 胃の広義のGIST(gastrointestinal stromal tumor)の5例を提示し,GIST診断における,X線検査法の有用性について述べた.GISTは主として固有筋層に主座を置く非上皮性腫瘍であり,粘膜面は潰瘍形成部を除き正常粘膜で覆われている.したがって,粘膜面の所見は癌との鑑別上必要であるが,主眼は壁内・外への発育形式を推測することにある.GISTのX線診断は,種々の体位の二重造影像,圧迫像を組み合わせ,病変を正面像,側面像として描出することにより,腫瘍の形態,表面性状,病変の固さ,管腔内・外への発育形式が推測でき,極めて有用と思われた.
Five cases of GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumor) (in a wide sense) of the stomach were presented, and the usefulness of X-ray examination for diagnosis of GIST was described. GIST is a non-epithelial neoplasm which lies mainly in the muscularis propria, while the mucosal surface is covered with normal mucosa except for the ulcerated part. Therefore, although the view of a mucosal surface side is necessary for differential diagnosis of cancer, the chief aim is to guess the form of intraluminar or extraluminar growth. With a combination of double contrast examination using various postures and compressive examination and a demonstration of the front and side image of the tumor, X-ray examination can make it possible to estimate the growth form, the surface condition, the hardness and the form of intra- or extraluminal growth of the tumor. For there reasons, X-ray examination is considered to be quite useful for the diagnosis of GIST.

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