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要旨 精密検査の立場から胃X線検査法について述べた.高濃度・低粘度造影剤(200~220w/v%)の開発によって二重造影法の造影効果が改善され,精密検査手技も簡易化されつつある.しかし,病変部位や肉眼所見によっては,相変わらず従来の精密検査手技が求められる局面がある.本稿では,二重造影法の手技を中心に細径カテーテルを用いた簡易精密検査法と従来の胃ゾンデを用いた精密検査法について解説した.
We describe the upper gastrointestinal (GI) radiological examination focused on detailed examination. Development of high concentration and low viscosity contrast medium (200-220 w/v % ) has improved diagnostic quality of the double contrast method and has simplified skills of the method. However, high order of technical skills may be needed depending on the location and/or macrographic shape of disease. We illustrated the simple detailed examination using a narrow catheter and the conventional detailed examination using a gastric tube, focused on technical aspects of the double contrast method.

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