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要旨 粘膜下腫瘍の形態を呈し,組織学的所見で癌の粘膜露出面の長径が腫瘍長径の1/3以下であった胃癌は切除単発胃癌の1.27%とまれであった.その臨床病理学的特徴をみると,M領域に多く,組織型は管状腺癌から低分化腺癌,粘液癌と多様であった.管状腺癌は間質量硬性型が多く,低分化腺癌ではlymphoid stromaや著明な好中球浸潤を伴う症例がみられた.リンパ管侵襲,静脈侵襲,リンパ節転移を高率に認めた.内視鏡的所見として腫瘍表面の陥凹,発赤,白苔付着などの所見が腫瘍中央部から偏位して存在することが特徴的であった.発赤は蚕食像を伴う不整像を呈しており癌の診断に重要であった.X線的には腫瘍頂部の陥凹の不整像が癌を示唆する所見であった.超音波内視鏡(EUS)では,境界不明瞭な内部エコー不均一像として描出されることが多く,また粘膜下異所性胃底腺(SHG),lymphoid stromaや,粘液癌などの特徴をとらえることができ,SMTとの鑑別に有用であった.粘膜下腫瘍様胃癌では通常の生検診断が困難なこともあり注意を要した.生検陰性でも画像診断上癌が疑われる場合には,ボーリング生検や超音波内視鏡下穿刺吸引生検(EUS-FNAB)および,診断的な内視鏡的粘膜切除術(EMR)などの補助的手技が癌の確定診断に有効であった.
We reviewed 11 cases of gastric carcinoma resembling submucosal tumor, paying particular attention to clinicopathological and imaging features.
1)The proportion of such cases was 1.27% of 866 cases of gastric cancer who underwent gastrectomy or endoscopic mucosal resection.
2)Clinicopathologically, histological type varied. There were 6 cases of tubular adenocarcinoma,4 cases of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, and one case of mucinous adenocarcinoma. Lymphatic invasion, venous invasion, and lymph-node metastasis occurred with a high frequency in such cases.
3)Endoscopically, the location of depression, redness, and coating deviated from the top of the tumor. Encroachment and irregularity of transparent capillaries were an important indication of malignancy.
4)Radiologically, irregular shaped depression deviating from the top of the tumor was an important indication of malignancy.
5)In endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) findings, internal echo pattern was irregular, and the margin of the tumor was unclear. EUS was useful for differential diagnosis between submucosal tumor and carcinoma resembling submucosal tumor of the stomach.
6)In the definite diagnosis by biopsy specimen, additional procedures, such as endoscopic mucosal resection, boring biopsy, and EUS guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy, were very useful.

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