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要旨 患者は70歳代,女性.検診で施行した腹部超音波検査で小腸内に大きさ20mm大の低エコー腫瘤を指摘され,精査目的にて入院した.小腸X線造影所見でも回腸に単発する約20mm大の有茎性の隆起病変を認め,表面は微細顆粒状を呈していた.ダブルバルーン小腸内視鏡の経肛門的アプローチにて近位側回腸の病変に到達することが可能であった.病変は表面発赤調で細顆粒状を呈する大きさ20mm大の有茎性隆起病変であり,高周波スネアにて切除回収しえた.病理組織学的には過誤腫性ポリープを基盤として,表層部で腺管の過形成を来したポリープと診断された.
A 70th woman was admitted to our hospital because of small intestinal lesion 20mm in size that was detected by screening ultrasonography. Small bowel enteroclysis revealed a 20mm-sized pedunculated-type polypoid lesion with a fine granular surface structure in the ileum. Double-balloon enteroscopy using the colonic approach was able to reach the proximal portion of the ileum and visualize the lesion which appeared red with a fine granular surface structure. The lesion could be successfully resected and retrieved without any complications. Histopathological diagnosis was hamartomatous polyp with hyperplastic change in the surface portion.

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