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Why is it Difficult to Diagnose the Invasion Depth of Superficial Esophageal Cancer? Tsuneo Oyama 1 , Yoshinori Miyata 1 , Kinichi Hotta 1 , Dai Hirasawa 1 , Akihisa Tomori 1 1Department of Gastroenterology, Saku Central Hospital Keyword: 食道表在癌 , 深達度診断 , m3・sm1 pp.883-887
Published Date 2004/5/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403100473
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 Recently, although the incidence of superficial esophageal cancer has increased and the quality of esophagoscopy has become better, we still sometimes misjudge the invasion depth. What is the cause of this difficulty in diagnosing invasion depth.

 When the lymph follicles of the proper mucosal layer push up the lesion, the lesion reveals marked protrusion, so the endoscopist might think the cancer has invaded the submucosal layer. But in much cases, the shape of the lesion also changes. This is because the lymph follicles are soft. Observation of the shape change is thus very important (Fig. 1-4).

 When the area of invasion is about one or two mm, the diagnosis of submucosal invasion is difficult (Fig. 5-9).

 When a submucosal invading cancer is exposed to the surface, the surface pattern becomes irregular. But if the cancer is covered by a mucosal cancer, the surface of the submucosal invaded part appears smooth, so the diagnosis of invasion depth might be very difficult in these cases (Fig. 10).

 When the cancer has invaded the submucosal layer with an infiltrative growth pattern, the diagnosis of submucosal invasion is difficult especially in the early stage of invasion (Fig. 11, 12).

 Sometime shallow muscle bundles continuous form muscularis mucosa rose up to the proper mucosal layer and contacted with the mucosal cancer (Fig. 13). The invasion depth is diagnosed as m3in these cases, but the cancer limited within the proper mucosal layer. So, the new criteria should be established to distinguish the true invasive m3from such as false invasion.

 1) Department of Gastroenterology, Saku Central Hospital, Nagano, Japan

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電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


