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Endoscopic Detection of Early Stage Cancers of the Mesopharynx and the Hypopharynx Kumiko Momma 1 , Misao Yoshida 2 , Kenrou Kawada 3 1Department of Endoscopy, Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital 2Department of Surgery, Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutoh Hospital 3Department of Surgery, Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital Keyword: 中・下咽頭癌 , 内視鏡診断 , EMR , 他臓器重複癌 , 食道表在癌 pp.1239-1254
Published Date 2005/8/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403100149
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 In surveillance of carcinoma of the mesopharynx and the hypopharynx, keen observation is recommended as the scope is introduced and also as it is withdrawn. Endoscopic observation should be started as soon as the scope is introduced into the mouth. There are some difficulties in observation of mucosal lesions in the post-cricoid area. The narrow band imaging (NBI) system will make surveillance easy, because it allows us to differentiate a cancer as a mucosal lesion with color different from normal pharyngeal mucosa. Magnifying endoscopy is also useful for differentiation of mucosal lesions. Thirty-five early-stage cancer lesions among 28 patients were identified at the mesopharynx (5) and the hypopharynx (30). Most of them (96.4% of all lesions) were found by upper GI endoscopy. Five patients (17.9%) had synchronous multiple cancer lesions and two cases had metachronous multiple cancer lesions. Cancer lesions at the mesopharynx and the hypopharynx were frequent among patients with multiple esophageal cancers and whose esophageal mucosa had many iodine unstained areas. Ten patients had undergone irradiation until 2001 and another 18 patients had undergone endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) after 2002. Endoscopic findings of lesions treated by EMR were interrupted mucosal vessels (17 lesions), reddening of the mucosa (13), fine granular changes (13), proliferated mucosal vessels (12), slight elevation (9 : 5 with reddening and 4 with white elevation), protruding lesion 1 and slight depression (3). Sizes of cancer lesions were from 6 mm to 40 mm. Overall, elevated lesions were in the majority, such as type 0-I 1 lesion (4.5%), 0-IIa 11 (50%), 0-IIa+IIc 1 (4.5%), 0-IIb 5 (22.8%), 0-IIc 3 (13.7%) and type 2 1 (4.5%). Fourteen lesions (63.6%) remained within the epithelium and 8 lesions (36.4%) showed invasion into the subepithelial tissue. Microvascular permeation was identified in two cases (25%) of eight which had invasion into the subepithelial layer.

Copyright © 2005, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


  • 中・下咽頭表在癌の内視鏡診断―通常内視鏡およびNBIの立場から 門馬 久美子 , 藤原 純子 , 加藤 剛 , 了徳寺 大郎 , 三浦 昭順 , 出江 洋介 , 佐藤 宏樹 , 江頭 秀人 , 江川 直人 , 立石 陽子 , 根本 哲生 , 吉田 操 医学書院 胃と腸
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