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要約 目的:主な抗菌点眼薬(マクロライド系,フルオロキノロン系,セフェム系,アミノグリコシド系,クロラムフェニコール系)の抗菌活性推移を検討する。
結果:メチシリン感受性黄色ブドウ球菌はフルオロキノロン系およびセフェム系に高い感受性を示した。一方,メチシリン耐性株はいずれの薬剤に対しても感受性は低かったが,クロラムフェニコールはメチシリン耐性・感受性株のいずれに対しても同程度の抗菌活性を示した。コリネバクテリウム属はセフェム系に対して高い感受性を示し,アクネ菌はセフェム系およびマクロライド系に対する感受性が高かった。Enterococcus faecalis,インフルエンザ菌および緑膿菌はフルオロキノロン系に高い感受性を示し,モラクセラ属はいずれの薬剤に対しても高い感受性を示した。
Abstract Purpose:This study reviews the trends in the antimicrobial activity of macrolides, quinolones, cephems, aminoglycosides, and chloramphenicol.
Subjects and Methods:We analyzed trends in the minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC)of bacterial strains isolated from patients with bacterial external eye infections(conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dacryocystitis, and stye)in the Azimycin® specific-drug-use results survey, comparing data from 2019(1,426 strains)and 2023(1,674 strains).
Results:Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus(MSSA)showed high susceptibility to quinolones and cephems. In contrast, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA)showed low susceptibility to all tested agents;however, chloramphenicol maintained stable MIC90 values across both MSSA and MRSA strains. Corynebacterium spp. showed high susceptibility to cephems, whereas Cutibacterium acnes exhibited high susceptibility to macrolides and cephems. Quinolones demonstrated high antibacterial activity against Enterococcus faecalis, Haemophilus influenzae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, whereas Moraxella spp. showed high susceptibility to all tested agents.
Conclusion:Since 2019, no trends indicating resistance to the tested antibiotics were observed among ophthalmic clinical isolates. However, it is essential to identify the causative bacteria and select the appropriate antibiotics.

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