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背景・目的:我々は,咳嗽の実態を明らかにするために,東北地方における内科,耳鼻科,小児科で調査した。 方法:東北地方において咳嗽を主訴として,外来受診した患者を対象とし,1,388症例から自記式アンケートを回収した。 結果:咳嗽患者全体では,喘息が疑われる症例が37.8%であった。喘息が疑われる症例を除くと,急性咳嗽が65.0%,遷延性咳嗽が18.5%,慢性咳嗽が16.5%であり,湿性咳嗽が62.2%,乾性咳嗽が37.8%であった。咳嗽の原因としては,急性気管支炎,急性上気道炎が上位を占めた。 結論:咳嗽患者では,気管支喘息を除いた場合,慢性咳嗽は約15%に過ぎず,急性感染が多かった。
Objectives:In order to elucidate how subjects with cough were diagnosed and treated, we performed clinical research for the diagnosis and treatment of the patients with cough in multiple institutions including internal medicine, otolaryngology, and pediatrics. Methods:We investigated the clinical features of the coughs of patients who visited clinics or hospitals with the complaint of cough in the Tohoku district and obtained self-reported questionnaires from 1388 patients. Result:37.8% of the patients were thought to be possibly asthmatic patients because of the complaint of wheeze in the early morning or night. Except for the patients with possible asthma, acute cough was found in 65.0%, prolonged cough in 18.5%, and chronic cough in 16.5%. In addition, 62.2% of the patients showed productive cough and 37.8%, dry cough. The most frequent causes of cough were acute bronchitis and acute upper respiratory infection. Conclusion:The patients with chronic cough were only 15% of all patients with cough excepting asthmatics. Cough variant asthma accounted for half of the patients with chronic cough in the internal medicine departments. Acute infection, however, as the cause of cough was most common in otolaryngology and the pediatric departments.