

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌

Yuko Komase 1 , Asako Akimoto 2 , Akihiro Kobayashi 3 Keyword: ドライパウダー吸入器 , 操作手技 , エリプタ® , 吸入ステロイド/長時間作用性β2刺激薬配合剤   Dry Powder Inhaler , Inhaler Handling Technique , Ellipta® , inhaled corticosteroid/long acting β2 agonist combination は じ め に pp.146-160
Published Date 2013/12/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.20837/3201401146

 This study evaluated errors in the inhaler handling of Ellipta®, a novel inhaler, in comparison with conventional inhalers(Diskus® and Turbuhaler®)in dry powder inhaler-naive Japanese adults for the objective of detecting the errors and examining their frequencies. Frequency of errors in inhaler handling technique was significantly lower for Ellipta® than for the conventional inhalers, and Ellipta® could be operated by 99.3% of subjects without critical errors after reading the inhaler handling manual, demonstrating that Ellipta® is an easy to use inhaler properly.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1344-6932 医薬ジャーナル社


