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左室補助人工心臓(left ventricular assist device:LVAD,左心補助装置とも呼ばれる)植え込み術と心臓移植術は,重症心不全に対する根本的な最終治療で,患者にはほかのあらゆる心不全治療がすでに行われている。そのため,麻酔管理にあたっては,心不全の治療全般に関する知識が必要である。また,LVAD植え込みに際しては機械と患者との相互作用の理解が,心臓移植に際しては,法律に基づく手順,ドナー手術との関連性と厳格な時間管理,LVAD植え込み患者の全身麻酔,グラフト心と患者の相互作用の理解が求められ,それらの理解に基づいた合理的な対応と治療として麻酔管理がなされるべきである。本論文ではこれらを,具体的注意点と併せて概説する。
Two definitive treatments for severe heart failure are the implantation of a left ventricular assist device(LVAD)and heart transplantation, which are performed when the results of all other therapeutic options have been suboptimal. This article discusses the details of anesthetic management during such procedures and emphasizes the necessity of a comprehensive understanding of heart-failure treatments.
For LVAD implantation, it is crucial to understand the mechanical interaction between the device and the patient, whereas heart transplantation also demands an awareness of legal procedures, donor surgery issues, strict time management, and patient-graft interaction. Both the LVAD implantation procedure and heart transplantation require anesthetic strategies that accommodate the complexities of the patient’s condition, necessitating meticulous preoperative evaluations, tailored anesthetic induction, and vigilant intraoperative monitoring.
This article aims to provide a detailed overview, highlighting practical considerations that can help anesthesiologists and even surgeons and cardiologists optimize patient care during these critical interventions for heart failure.

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