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症例は36歳,女性,双極性障害のため妊娠29週で医療保護入院となった。精神科から妊娠中の電気痙攣療法(electroconvulsive therapy:ECT)が提案され,関係診療科で合同カンファレンスを行った。有害事象を懸念してECTは施行せず,全身麻酔下に予定帝王切開を行う方針とした。多科多職種で連携することで,安全に分娩を終えることができた。
A 36-year-old pregnant woman with bipolar disorder was admitted to our hospital at 29 weeks gestation for medical care. Following consultation with the relevant departments, the psychiatrist proposed electroconvulsive therapy;however, this was not implemented because of the risk of adverse events. The patient underwent a scheduled caesarean section at 37 weeks under general anesthesia, and the delivery was completed safely. The relevant departments must collaborate and share patient information to ensure satisfactory medical care.

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