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眼瞼下垂の治療は,主に挙筋腱膜前転術,ミュラー筋短縮術,経皮ミュラー筋タック,挙筋群短縮術,前頭筋吊り上げ術などが行われる。なかでも前頭筋吊り上げ術は挙筋機能不良な重度の眼瞼下垂に対して施行される 1)。著者は0〜3歳の患者に対してはナイロン糸やPTFE(polytetrafluoroethylene:CV-5ゴアテックスⓇ)糸を,4歳以上の患者に対しては大腿筋膜とPTFEシートのどちらかを本人や家族に選択してもらい,手術を行っている。本稿ではPTFEシートによる前頭筋吊り上げについて紹介する。
Frontalis suspension is indicated for severe acquired blepharoptosis and moderate-to-severe congenital blepharoptosis. In general, fascia lata is said to be the gold standard when it comes to suspension materials, but artificial materials such as silicon and polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE)are often used overseas. Autologous tissue such as the fascia lata shrinks after surgery, and complications such as lagophthalmos, eyelash entropion, and corneal ulcer have been reported. The advantages of PTFE sheets are the predictability of postoperative eyelid opening, the ease of reoperation, and the low frequency of infection. The method of frontalis muscle suspension using a PTFE sheet and helpful tips are described herein.

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