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先天性眼瞼下垂の治療として挙筋短縮術または前頭筋吊り上げ術が選択されるが,挙筋短縮では不十分な結果になることが多く,われわれは前頭筋吊り上げ術を第一選択としている。使用される吊り上げ材料にはさまざまな報告があるが,自家組織としては大腿筋膜が最もよく使用されてきた。しかし筋膜採取部の歩行時痛や手術瘢痕の問題から最近は側頭筋膜を使用することが多くなっている。大腿筋膜に比べ側頭筋膜は強度の点で危惧されたが,吊り上げに必要な強度としては十分であり,長期的にも同等の結果が得られているとの報告があり 1),われわれも同様の感触を得ている。また,筋膜採取部が眼瞼に近く術野が小さく収まること,薄く柔軟な組織であることから吊り上げ術に適した材料と考えられる。今回は吊り上げ術の中で側頭筋膜を用いた方法における,その適応と手術について述べる。
Patients with poor levator function, such as those with severe congenital ptosis, require correction by levator resection or frontalis suspension. Levator resection may not be sufficiently effective, and we thus choose frontalis suspension as the first choice. Autologous tissue(fascia lata, temporalis fascia, palmaris longus tendon)and artificial materials(Gore-Tex, silicone, prolene)are used as lifting materials. Among the autologous tissues, the fascia lata has been the most frequently used to date.
However, in recent years, the use of the temporal fascia has increased, because of pain and the hypertrophic scar at the fascia lata donor site. The strength of the temporal fascia, which contains a membranous component, was considered to be inferior to that of the fascia lata, which is mostly composed of tendon tissue, but the strength required for lifting is sufficient, and its use presents no problem in the long term. Temporal fascia is made into a strip along the fiber, and two strips are used on each side. The strip is sutured to the tarsus and the upper edge of the eyebrow through a subcutaneous tunnel created under the orbicularis oculi muscle. The eyelid position is adjusted so that three-fifths of the iris is exposed.
This method has had excellent functional results. Frontalis suspension with temporalis fascia is an effective procedure in the long term with no complications or recurrence of the ptosis.
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