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先天性眼瞼下垂は眼瞼挙筋の欠損もしくは形成不全により生じる開瞼障害であり,その合併症として視性刺激遮断による視力低下が問題となる。重度の先天性眼瞼下垂に対する筋膜移植術は1909 年に Payr 1)によって初めて報告され,その後Crawford 2)が筋膜移植の長期経過における有用性を報告している。
われわれは,挙筋筋力3 mm未満の先天性眼瞼下垂症に対して,Friedenwald ら 3)の方法を改良した自家大腿筋膜を用いた前頭筋吊り上げ術を行い,術中調整に対しても一定の基準をもって行うことにより良好な術後成績を得ている 4)。
Frontalis suspension using a fascia lata graft is frequently indicated for the treatment of severe congenital blepharoptosis to prevent disuse amblyopia and to improve the patient's cosmetic appearance.
We have used a modified version of the Friedenwald–Guyton technique to perform frontalis suspension with autologous fascia lata for treating severe congenital blepharoptosis with a levator muscle function <3 mm. We achieved satisfactory results by using a certain criterion for intraoperative adjustments.
The indications for a fascia lata graft should be carefully considered due to the importance of postoperative rest and wound management. Levator function, patient compliance with therapy, and the presence of complications should be checked.
In addition, considering the possibility that the condition of the eyelids may change as a result of facial growth after the surgery, long-term follow-up(approx. 10 years)is necessary after the surgery, when the facial bone growth is complete. The long-term outcomes of this technique have generally been favorable.
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