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最大限の内科的・外科的治療を施行したにもかかわらず,安静時でも明らかな心不全症状を認めるような重症(末期)心不全に対する究極の治療方法は心臓移植である.本邦の心臓移植成績は10年生存率88.7%と世界的にみても良好であるが,極端なドナー不足から移植までの待機期間が長期になるといった問題がある.2023年度の日本心臓移植研究会からの報告では,本邦の心臓移植登録患者は約700名(status 1)で心臓移植数は年間30~80例程度,心臓移植登録~移植の待機期間は平均1,877日であった1).本邦では2011年より植込み型補助人工心臓(implantable ventricular assist device:iVAD)治療が心臓移植までのブリッジ治療として保険収載され,その良好な治療成績が報告されている2).しかしながら,iVAD特有の合併症による生活の質(quality of life:QOL)の低下や再入院率の高さが問題となっている.さらに2021年より心臓移植を目的としない最終治療(destination therapy:DT)としてiVADが保険償還され,より長期的なQOLを維持したiVAD管理が要求される.
The outcomes of implantable left ventricular assist device (iVAD) treatment in Japan are favorable;however, the high rate of re-hospitalization due to complications remains a significant issue. This report details the procedures for iVAD treatment conducted at our hospital. Specifically, we focus on:1. driveline (DL) infection, 2. stroke, and 3. right heart failure.
1. As part of DL infection control, the DL was assumed to enter through the upper umbilicus, and an incision was made from the right side, passing through the left rectus abdominis muscle to the left side. All patients are treated with a simple omental covering, and a new disinfectant, Prontosan, which contains both a surfactant and an antibacterial agent, is used to manage exit site infections involving biofilm. 2. To prevent stroke, all patients are provided with a CoaguChek XS device at discharge, which is adjusted to extend the time required to reach target prothrombin time-international normalized ratio (PT-INR) values. 3. As an innovative approach to treating right heart failure, we have developed a simple or unidirectional valved anastomosis between the superior vena cava and the right pulmonary artery, allowing blood to flow into the pulmonary artery under elevated venous pressure. This procedure is part of a collaborative research project with the School of Science and Engineering at Waseda University (TWIns).

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