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はじめに 頸性の四肢麻痺例は日常的に遭遇する病態であるが,肺癌の根治切除の対象となることはまれで,症例報告もほとんどみられない.われわれは頸性四肢麻痺を有し胸式呼吸不全を合併した肺腺癌症例を経験したので報告する.
67-year-old female had several lipoma resections of cervical spinal cord, sense 30 years ago, she had quadriplegia due to the surgery. She has no respiratory symptom, however, she has the respiratory dysfunction, which data is vital capacity (VC) 1.27 l, %VC 48.7%, forced expiratory volume (FEV1.0) 0.88 l, %FEV1.0 45.1%. The arterial blood gas analysis was pH 7.418, pCO2 41.7 Torr, pO2 97.0 Torr. The chest computed tomography (CT) scan showed a 20 mm diameter lung tumor in the right S6 segment. We performed thoracoscopic the right S6 segmentectomy, and the postoperative course was uneventful. She discharged from our hospital on the fifth postoperative day. She has almost same daily life as that before surgery.

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