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はじめに 大量の心囊液貯留を契機に発見される胸腺癌はまれであり,完全切除にまでいたった報告は検索しえた範囲内では本邦で2例にすぎない.われわれは,悪性細胞を含まない大量の心囊液貯留を契機に発見されたまれな胸腺癌の手術例を経験したため報告する.
A 70-years-old man visited our hospital with complaints of palpitations and shortness of breath from five days ago. Chest computed tomography (CT) revealed a solid tumor with 74 mm in diameter at the right anterior mediastinum and massive pericardial effusion. No malignant cells were noted in the pericardial effusion collected by pericardiocentesis. Based on the CT findings we judged the tumor completely extirpated. Pathologic diagnosis of the tumor was thymic carcinoma and microscopically no tumor exposure to pericardial cavity was found. Thymic carcinoma with massive pericardial effusion is extremely rare and only two cases were reported which can be resected.

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