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はじめに 大動脈縮窄症(MAS)は下行大動脈から腹部大動脈にかけて区域的狭窄症を特徴とする非常にまれな疾患である.MASの臨床症状として高血圧,易疲労感,間欠性跛行,腹部の虚血症状などがある1,2).
We report a case of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) for mid-aortic syndrome, which is characterized by a segmental narrowing of the aorta, in a 71-year-old man who presented with intermittent claudication. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) showed segmental stenosis of the descending aorta, for which TEVAR was performed. The ankle-branchial index increased after surgery, and the dorsalis pedis arterial pulses became palpable bilaterally. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 14 without any complication. At present, four years after surgery, he is in good condition with improved renal function, requiring no hospitalization for the treatment of heart failure.

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