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はじめに 近年,非小細胞肺癌においてサルベージ手術の有効性が報告されている.われわれは,肺癌術後再発に対しgefitinib投与後にサルベージ手術を施行し,長期無再発生存が得られている症例を経験したので報告する.
We present a case of a 54-year-old woman who had been performed video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) right upper lobectomy for stageⅡB adenocarcinoma. The patient had the recurrence of multiple lung metastases at 12 months after the surgery and was administrated gefitinib. The lung metastases disappeared at 3 months after the administration of gefitinib. A single metastasis in the left lower lung appearance again and VATS wedge left lung resection as salvage surgery was performed in postoperative 82 months. After salvage surgery, the patient has been followed up without additional treatment and is alive recurrence-free at 19 months.

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