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左室内血栓症の有病率は1万人あたり7人であり,8割は虚血性心疾患に関連する1).左室内血栓症はその形態から,左室壁に円盤状に強固に付着して可動性のないmural type,左室内に突出するprotruding type,左室壁と独立して動くmobile typeに分類され,protruding typeやmobile typeの場合,全身性塞栓症をきたすおそれがある2).治療は冠状動脈血行再建および左室内血栓に対する治療であり,冠状動脈血行再建は経皮的冠状動脈形成術(PCI)および冠状動脈バイパス術(CABG),左室内血栓に対する治療は抗血栓療法および外科的血栓除去・左室形成術の選択肢がある.左室内血栓が前述のprotruding typeやmobile typeの場合,血栓塞栓症のリスクが高いため可及的除去が必要となり,緊急外科手術の適応となる.
We aimed to review the surgical results of left ventricular restoration for left ventricular thrombus after myocardial infarction.
A retrospective study was conducted on 5 patients who underwent thrombus removal and left ventricular restoration for left ventricular thrombus after myocardial infarction. Two patients were in an acute phase of myocardial infarction, and 3 in a chronic phase. Cerebral infarction occurred in 3 patients preoperatively.
Median observational period was 1.0 year. Left ventricular thrombus removal with septal anterior ventricular exclusion technique was performed. Concomitant procedure included 3 coronary artery bypass graftings and 1 left ventricular apex ablation. There was no perioperative bleeding event. The 30-day mortality occurred in 1 patient. There has been no systemic embolic complication, left ventricular dysfunction, nor recurrence of left ventricular thrombus during the observational period. The postoperative left ventricular volume reduced in 3 of the 4 survivors. The left ventricular ejection fraction increased postoperatively in 3 of the 4 survivors.
In conclusion, the septal anterior ventricular exclusion technique is an effective method for controlling perioperative bleeding, removing left ventricular thrombus completely, and preventing a recurrence of left ventricular thrombus and systemic embolism. This procedure also contributed to reducing the left ventricular volume, resulting in the improvement of the left ventricular function.

© Nankodo Co., Ltd., 2020