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【方法】通院中の脳卒中患者を対象に質問紙を用い「疾病状況」,「健康状態」,「病気対処行動」(含む服 薬行動尺度),「患者の認識」,「医療者との関係」について調査した.服薬行動には「the 4-Item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale(MMAS)」の尺度を用いた.
Purpose: To study the characteristics of adherence to a medication regimen in out-patients who are being treated for stroke.
Methods: We used a questionnaire to study the following in out-patients being treated for stroke: symptoms, health status, behavior to deal with the illness (including medication behavior), patient awareness, and the patient's relationship with health care professionals. We used the Self-Reported Medication-Taking Scale to study medication behavior.
Results: Of the 334patients who agreed to participate in this study, 65% were males and 35 % females, with an average age of 69.7±10.7. The participants were divided into three groups based on their scores for taking medication: low group (115patients,34.4%),middle group (133 patients, 39.8%), and high group (86 patients, 25.7%). The results of a logistic regression analysis found 5 influential factors for taking medication in the low group (obesity, lack of exercise, feeling that the amount of medication is too much, anxiety about taking medication for an extended period of time, and not having an explanation of the medication)and two related factors in the high group(feeling that the medication was effective and eating meals regularly). Discussion: In order to improve medication adherence, it is important to support the patient' s adherence to a medication regimen by using an overall approach that includes taking into account the patient's thoughts about medication, providing correct information and considering the patient's lifestyle and psychological state.
Copyright © 2008, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.