

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Survey of Intravenous Placement Skills with the Peripheral-Short Catheter: Comparison of the Practice by New Nurses, Mid-Career Nurses, and Experienced Nurses Shotaro Sumitani 1 , Yoriko Watanabe 1 1School of Nursing, Seirei Christopher University Keyword: 静脈内注射 , 血管確保 , 経験年数 , intravenous , catheter placement , years of experience pp.61-69
Published Date 2010/9/21
  • Abstract
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 Objectives: To elucidate the characteristics of skill in placing with a peripheral-short catheter by new, mid-career, and experienced nurses.

 Method: This study targeted 20 new nurses, 25 mid-career nurses, and 45 experienced nurses, wherein their skill in placing a catheter was observed by video recording. The time required to perform the procedure, the success rate of the catheter placement, and the failure factors were compared among these 3 groups.

 Results: Significant differences were observed in the procedure time for the following instances: the time required to select an insertion site, wherein new nurses took 59.4 seconds and experienced nurses took 44.1 seconds; and the time required to insert a catheter, wherein new nurses took 109.4 seconds and experienced nurses took 66.6 seconds. The success rate for a single insertion was 35.0% for new nurses, 44.0% for mid-career nurses, and 75.6% for experienced nurses, and the success rate for twice insertion was 65.0% for new nurses, 68.0% for mid-career nurses, and 93.4% for experienced nurses. The failure factors were mostly as follows: for new nurses, “no reflow of blood after insertion”; and for mid-career nurses, “no reflow of blood after removal of the stylet.”

Copyright © 2010, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


