

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The efficacy of a small occupational therapy group for theory of mind in children with high-functioning pervasive developmental disorder : A pilot study Ryoichiro Iwanaga 1 , Masako Itoh 2 , Nobuyuki Shimizu 3 , Aya Kubara 4 , Haruka Toeda 1 1Nagasaki University School of Health Science 2Osaka College of Rehabilitation 3Saga Handicapped Children's Hospital 4Nagayo Town Office Keyword: 対人関係 , 自閉症 , 小集団 , 作業療法 , 治療効果 , Personal relationships , Autism , Small group , Occupational therapy , Efficacy of therapy pp.474-483
Published Date 2005/10/15
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 This study examined the efficacy of short-term small group occupational therapy techniques with the aim of improving theory of mind. The subjects included 4 children with high-functioning pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). The study schedule consisted of 1-week of pre-therapy, 2-weeks of small group occupational therapy, and 1-week of post-therapy. At the start and end of each period, the children were tested by independent examiners, who were unaware of the study schedule, using Theory of Mind tests (TOM) and the Japanese version of an advanced test of theory of mind (Advanced TOM).

 The scores of TOM and Advanced TOM with regard to two of four children with PDD improved after therapy, while two did not. However, one of the children with PDD, whose scores rose after therapy, showed a reduction in scores on the TOM and Advanced TOM after the post-therapy period. Therefore, a small occupational therapy group using this technique might be effective for some children with high functioning PDD. Further study is needed to determine whether these improvements are temporary or permanent.

Copyright © 2005, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


