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We conducted a qualitative study as a first step toward examining the effect of musical activities on occupational therapy for children with severe multiple handicaps.
We did musical interventions and non-musical interventions in 4 children with severe multiple handicaps who showed poor motor activity and poor expression in communication. From obsevation notes, which described their reactions, we made segments of data and categorized them according to specific behaviors and examined the effect of presence or absence of music. 52 reaction-categories were obtained. And they are useful marks when examining the effect of musical activities on occupational therapy for these kinds of people.
Our results suggested that musical activities provoke pleasure and its expression, give motivation for active engagement, induce new play (activities) and promote communication. In addition, the results demonstrated that each child has his or her own way to adapt to musical activities ; therefore, we must select and adjust musical activities carefully when we use them in a clinical setting. Additional studys are needed for these members of our population.

Copyright © 2000, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.