

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


An analysis of handwriting activity on right adult hemiplegia: The relation between character of handwriting and muscle power, changing joint angles Teru Endo 1 , Toru Sugiura 2 , Harumi Koyama 2 , Misaki Sedoshita 2 , Akira Nagata 3 1Tokyo Metropolitan University of Health Sciences 2Saitama Medical School Hospital 3Traditional Medicine Center,International Health Plaza, Toyama Keyword: 動作分析 , 書字 , 脳血管障害 , 右片麻痺 , Handwriting activity , Motion analysis , Cerebral vascular accident , Right hemiplegia pp.269-278
Published Date 1999/8/15
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 This study was designed to investigate handwriting activity of left hand on right adult hemiplegia caused by a cerebral vascular accident. The target group was examined against a controlled group of healthy adults. The handwriting activities of both the right and left hands of these adults were the subject of the research. The speed, accuracy, pressure, changing joint angles and muscle power of handwriting were measured, and the relation between these factors were studied.

 In hemiplegia, distal joints moved little, and distal muscle power was weaker than in the controlled group. Therefore, the pressure of handwriting was weaker and speed was also slower. In addition, they lacked in accuracy as compared to the controlled group.

 The results indicate that poor ability of using muscles appears to be charactaristic of fine movement in hemiplegia. It suggests a method of handwriting with practical use.

Copyright © 1999, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


