

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Developing an observation checklist on environmental items in “regular classrooms” for special needs education Ai Honda 1 , Chieko Karashima 2 1Nanbu Chiiki Ryouiku Center Soyokaze(Former affiliation; Student at Doctor Program in Occupational Therapy, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Physical and Occupational Therapy) 2Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Physical and Occupational Therapy Keyword: 特別支援教育 , 観察 , (チェックリスト) , 環境因子 , (通常の学級) , Special needs education , Observation , Checklist , Environmental items , Regular classroom pp.16-25
Published Date 2017/2/15
  • Abstract
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 The importance of assessing valid observation methods is needed in special needs education. This study provides the observation items for the environmental equipment that assess “what/where” and “how” to observe the human and equipment environments when the OTs visit regular classrooms. The first study implemented a semi-structured interview for 12 OTs with ample experience visiting regular classrooms. The results of the interviews were analyzed by KJ-method, and 978 items were extracted. In the second study, the Delphi-method was implemented for 51 OTs nationwide with experience visiting regular classrooms utilizing 3 rounds of questionnaires on the importance of items obtained in the first study. The 99 items were obtained from the second study and arranged into observation items for the environmental equipment. This study provides a foundation for the development of observation checklists in visiting regular classrooms.

Copyright © 2017, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


