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要旨:地域で発達障害児および保護者へ早期介入する手立てを模索していた中,親に子どもの養育技術を獲得させるParent Training(以下,PT)に参加する機会を得た.大学併設のクリニックにおいて,発達に問題があると思われる児童の保護者に対して小児科医によるPTが実施された.そこに作業療法士がサポート的立場で加わり,感覚─運動発達的視点から介入した.トレーニングを通して,保護者の自己効力感の高まりを感じた.保護者自身は,ピアカウンセリングやエンパワメント的な要素への満足感が高かった.今後,作業療法士が地域の療育現場でPTを実践していく上での意義を含め,その方向性などを検討した.
While examining early support for children with developmental disabilities and their parents in the community, I had the opportunity to participate in training parents in the use of child support technology. The training of parents in this area in university clinics is usually done by pediatricians. However, this time, occupational therapists attached to the university joined the training in support positions, and were involved with sensory and motor development. Through the training, I felt growing feelings of self-esteem by parents. Parents were satisfied with results of the peer counseling and empowerment. Therefore, this paper discusses how occupational therapists can facilitate parent training in the community.

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