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要旨:長期入院統合失調症患者の退院に対する意識と健康や病気の原因に対する考え方である主観的健康統制感(health locus of control;以下,HLC)との関係を明らかにし,社会復帰の援助をよりスムーズに行う方法について検討することを目的に調査を行った.HLC尺度を用いて入院患者のHLCを5因子(自分自身,家族,専門職,偶然,超自然)に分け,評価した.その結果,男女別,年齢群別に退院に対する意識とHLCの各因子との相関のあり方に特徴的な違いがみられた.この結果は,HLCの概念および尺度が入院中の統合失調症患者の地域移行プログラムに有用である可能性を示唆する.
We examined the relationship between the attitudes toward discharge of long-term hospitalized patients with schizophrenia and their health locus of control (HLC). In addition, attitudes toward their health and cause of disease, and the method of support which would best return them to the community were investigated. The HLC of inpatients were evaluated using 5 factors of the HLC scale: Internal, Family, Professional, Chance and Supernatural. As a result, distinct differences emerged in the relationship between the attitudes toward discharge and each HLC factor by gender and age. These results suggest that the concept and scale of HLC may be useful for the regional transition program for hospitalized patients with schizophrenia.

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