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種々の神経疾患や口腔・咽頭癌術後においては,唾液誤嚥や食物誤嚥を抑制できず,誤嚥性肺炎を生じる症例が存在する.これらのうち,適切なリハビリテーション(以下,リハ)を一定期間行っても十分な効果が得られない症例には,外科的治療が考慮される.嚥下障害に対する外科的治療は,嚥下機能改善手術と誤嚥防止手術に分類される1)が,誤嚥の防止を目的とする場合には後者が適応となる.誤嚥防止手術は確実に誤嚥を防止できる一方で発声機能の喪失によるquality of life(QOL)の低下をきたす.
Abstract : This report presents the case of a patient treated with epiglottoplasty (Biller's laryngoplasty technique) for the pseudobulbar type of dysphagia associated with herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE). A 67-year-old man developed acute HSE with disturbance of consciousness and intractable aspiration. Oral intake was tried, but resulted in aspiration pneumonia and was therefore canceled at the patient's former institution. At 12 months following onset, the patient consulted our hospital and we judged that aspiration could not be controlled, and that surgical management would be needed. In order to both prevent aspiration and preserve phonation, epiglot-toplasty was performed at 15 months following onset. Postoperatively, the patient was able to resume an unrestricted diet except for clear liquids. He also underwent voice rehabilitation with the support of his family and rehabilitation staff. These efforts finally enabled him to speak clearly. Epiglottoplasty is an effective treatment for intractable aspiration, but this procedure is not widely known to Japanese physiatrists. Careful patient screening and selection by the attending physiatrist is essential, as is providing adequate postoperative swallowing and voice rehabilitation.

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