

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Association between preoperative assessment and postoperative dysphagia in elderly oral cancer patients:A retrospective case-control study Ryota Fujishima 1 , Yuta Fujikawa 1 1Department of Rehabilitation, National Hospital Organization Hokkaido Cancer Center Keyword: 口腔がん , 術後嚥下障害 , 術前評価 , 高齢者機能評価 , oral cancer , postoperative dysphagia , preoperative assessment , geriatric assessment pp.453-462
Published Date 2024/12/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.6001200499
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 Assessment of vulnerability is recommended for elderly patients prior to their cancer treatment. This study aims to clarify the association between preoperative geriatric assessment and postoperative dysphagia. Subjects of this study were 65 years or older patients who had completed surgical treatment for malignant tumors at the Department of Oral Oncology in our hospital between July 2019 and June 2023. At the end of treatment, patients who scored 5 or less on the Dysphagia Severity Scale were classified into the group with dysphagia, while those with the score of 6 or more were assigned to the group without dysphagia. The results of preoperative swallowing function, oral function, and geriatric assessment were compared between the groups using propensity score matching, with the factor of postoperative dysphagia as the covariate. It was found that oral function, Geriatric 8, comorbidity, cognitive function, nutrition, and falls were worse in the group with dysphagia. On the other hand, swallowing function and depression were worse in the group without dysphagia. The group with dysphagia performed poorly on tests related to sarcopenia, suggesting the usefulness of preoperative assessment of sarcopenia.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1349-5828 日本言語聴覚士協会


