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◆要旨:当科では腹腔鏡下手術のさらなる低侵襲性を求め経腟的標本摘出(transvaginal specimen extraction:TVSE)を行っている.TVSEは整容性の向上,創痛の軽減,低侵襲性が期待される.症例は76歳,女性.S状結腸に進行癌,胃前庭部に0-Ⅱc病変を認めた.手術は胃のD1+郭清を定型5ポートで行い,右下腹部に5mmポートを加え,S状結腸D3郭清を行った.結腸切離後に,胃切を行い,両標本を経腟的に摘出した.結腸はDST吻合,胃はRY再建(胃空腸吻合:機能的端端吻合・Y吻合:circular stapler)を体腔内で行った.後腟円蓋は経腟的に縫合閉鎖した.術後は創痛も軽微であり合併症なく第11病日に退院した.重複癌に対するTVSEによる完全腹腔鏡下手術について若干の考察を加えて報告する.
We performed a complete laparoscopic surgery with transvaginal specimen extraction in order to further minimize surgical invasiveness. We believe that transvaginal specimen extraction is a more cosmetic, less painful, and less invasive method. The patient was a 76-year-old female who underwent colonoscopy to evaluate anemia and gastroenteroscopy for preoperative screening. The results showed a type 2 lesion in the sigmoid colon and a 0-Ⅱc lesion in the gastric antrum. Operation was performed by inserting a 12-mm-diameter port through the umbilicus under open method. Five ports were made in the form of a reverse trapezoid to permit distal gastrectomy. Lymph node dissection was performed prior to gastrectomy to prevent any specimen degradation that might be caused by ischemia. After addition of a 5-mm-diameter port through the right inferior abdomen, laparoscopic sigmoid colectomy and gastrectomy followed by transvaginal specimen extraction were performed. The colon was anastomosed using a double-stapling technique. A functional gastrojejuno end-to-end anastomosis using an automatic suturing device was created and side-to-side Y-limb anastomosis employing a circular stapler was performed. After anastomosis, the posterior vaginal fornix was closed with a V-lock, commencing at the vagina. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 11. We report a patient with double cancer treated via synchronous laparoscopic distal gastrectomy and sigmoid colectomy, featuring transvaginal specimen extraction. A literature review is added.

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