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Rehabilitation with a Patient with Severe COVID-19 Who Presented with Acute Subdural Hematoma During Ventilator and Extracorporeal Membrane Ventilator Management : A case Report Kenji Oike 1 , Osamu Ishibashi 1 , Ippei Hamano 1 , Takayuki Hashimoto 1 1Department of Rehabilitation, Tsuchiura Kyodo General Hospital Keyword: 新型コロナウイルス感染症 , coronavirus disease-2019 , 急性硬膜下血腫 , acute subdural hematoma , 多職種連携 , interprofessional work , 早期離床 , early mobilization pp.132-138
Published Date 2024/2/18
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Abstract Introduction:Intracranial hemorrhage after severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is associated with increased mortality and unfavorable patient outcomes.

Case:A man in his 60s with independent activities of daily living (ADL) was diagnosed with COVID-19, and placed on a ventilator on Day (D)-3 and VV-ECMO on D-5. On D-23, an emergency craniotomy was performed for a left acute subdural hematoma. The patient was weaned from VV-ECMO on D-27. On D-33, sitting was initiated. On D-36, the patient was weaned from the ventilator and began exercise therapy. The Glasgow coma score (GCS) was E2V1TM4. Basic movement as assessed by the Functional Status Score for ICU (FSS-ICU) and Barthel Index (BI), was 3 and 0 points, respectively. On D-40, wheelchair use commenced. He began standing with a long leg orthosis on D-50, and began walking on D-53.

On D-67, the patient transferred to a convalescent hospital. His GCS was E4V4M6. Generalized cognitive decline and motor paralysis were noted. The right upper limb, hand, and lower limb were assessed as Brunnstrom recovery stage IV, V, and V, respectively. The patien's grip strength was 11.9 kg [right] and 18.3 kg [left]. His knee extensor strength was 0.13 kgf/kg [right] and 0.19 kgf/kg [left]. The FSS-ICU, walking speed, and BI were 21 points, 0.17 m/sec, and 40 points, respectively. The patient was discharged on D-240.

Discussion:The Early Mobilization and Rehabilitation Expert Consensus reports that early mobilization and active exercise can improve ADL at discharge. Our patient was weaned from VV-ECMO as soon as possible and practiced standing and walking with a long leg orthosis, resulting in a better outcome.

Copyright © 2024, The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1881-3526 日本リハビリテーション医学会


