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看護者が患者の価値観やニーズを十分理解できず(LaMonicaら,1976;Johnston,1982;Lauerら,1982;Wilkinson,1991),患者の価値観ではなく看護者のそれに基づいた看護実践がなされる傾向がある(Farrell,1991;川島1997)ことがしばしば指摘される。大段(1996)はその原因として,看護者が患者の問題点に注目し評価的態度をとる傾向にあることをあげている。この傾向は看護過程として普及している「アセスメント・計画立案・実施・評価」という過程(以下ではより広い意味としての看護過程と区別するため「問題解決過程」と記す)と無関係とはいえない(佐藤,1986;大崎,1989:Colleen,1996)。問題解決過程は1967年にYuraとWalshによって提示され,「クライエントの健康を保持し,健康に変化が生じた場合はクライエントの状況に必要な看護ケアを質・量ともに提供して健康な状態に回復させ,健康の回復が望めない場合は資源を最大限に活用して生命の続く限りクライエントの生活の質を維持すること」という看護の目的を実現するための「計画的な一連の行為」であると定義されている(Yura & Walsh,1983/1986,p.94)。
The purpose of this study is to clarify the elements and the process of 'good nursing practice' perceived by nurses, and to lay the foundation for a new nursing process model. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 22 nurses. 12 patients and a spouse of a patient. 124 hours of observations and some documents. It emerged from the data that 'good nursing practice consisted of seven elements. As the elements related to patients' conditions. realizing the value of his/her experience and being satisfied with it'. 'changing for the better'. 'participating as the subject' and 'trusting his/her nurse' were identi fied. As the elements related to nurses' actions, 'knowing the patient', 'attending to the patient' and 'using available resources' were identified. The most important and necessary element for nurses perception of 'good nursing practice' was the patient's 'realizing the value of his/her experience and being satisfied with it'. Since seven elements enhanced each other, it is possible to consider 'good nursing practice' as a process promoted by nurse-patient interactions. These findings indicate a new framework on a holistic and quality nursing practice. which may be useful to resolve some problems of the current nursing process model.

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