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Health Related QOL(以下HRQOLと略)は,疾病構造の変化,医療を取り巻く社会政策の変化から生まれた概念である5)。SF-36(MOS Short Form 36)5)は,包括的HRQOL尺度として世界的に広く使用され,我が国においても疾患特異的側面6-7)および一般的健康調査8-10)としての両面から検証がすすめられている。SF-36は,身体機能,身体機能および精神状態の変化による役割制限,痛み,活力,全体的健康感,精神的健康,社会機能の8領域にわたって,身体的・精神的・社会的健康を測定している。そのため,家族介護者が抱えている健康問題も反映するのではないかと考えられる。
We examined the Health Related QOL (HRQOL) and the health status in primary caregivers using visiting nurse service. The Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) is a questionnaire that is widely used to measure HRQOL. We compared the SF-36 scores of 75 caregivers with those of 136 noncaregivers in the same community. The results are as follows:
1) Forty-four percents of the caregivers (vs 17.6% of the noncaregivers) were under medical treatment. In comparison between the caregivers and the noncaregivers both under medical treatment, the former significantly experienced greater fatigue than the latter. The caregivers not consulting doctors significantly scored lower on physical, psychological and social factors than the noncaregivers not consulting doctors.
2) The SF-36 scores of the caregivers were compared with those of the noncaregivers by each sex and age group. The scores of psychological factor were significantly lower among the caregivers than among the noncaregivers in men under 70 years of age. The female caregivers significantly scored lower than the female noncaregivers in each age group; the female under 50 years on social functioning, the female 50 to 64 years on physical, psychological and social factors, and the female 65 and over on physical factor.
3) The caregivers complaining of fatigue were significantly poorer in physical and mental health than those not complaining of it.

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